💡Ideabox policy

Details about the META-INF Ideabox usage


During the past few years, our apps have become more popular than we ever dared to imagine. Our team strives to deliver the most value to our customers, but like so many other companies in the Atlassian ecosystem, we also had to face our own challenges. We are participating in the Atlassian Bugcrowd program, our cloud apps are now Cloud Fortified to meet security standards and are actively improving the infrastructure to be able to serve our clients in a more secure and reliable way.

With the increasing number of customers, it is only natural that we receive an increasing number of feature requests, and unfortunately, we don't have the capacity to fulfil all of their wishes. In many cases, we receive requests that are not in alignment with the vision and the strategy of our products and because of this we constantly have to make decisions about which customer requirements we should bring about.

In order to improve transparency, we have decided to crowdsource prioritizing over bugs and features and introduce an Ideabox solution where we can gather and handle all open requests. In the META-INF Ideabox you can

  • Search open requests by their topic and view them

  • Vote on any requests you would like for us to implement in our products

  • Watch requests and get notified when it's selected for development or it's being released

  • Comment on requests to extend them and make suggestions on existing ideas

Requests can be Bugs, Feature Improvements or Brand New Features as well.

The workflow

The process of using our Ideabox is quite simple:

Step 1 - Checking existing requests

The idea you have might already exist in our Ideabox! Search for your suggestion in the ideabox of the related app.

If you can find your idea there, vote on it. If you can find an idea that closely resembles yours but is not exactly the same, feel free to comment on the existing idea as we'll take the comments into consideration during the feature planning phase.

Step 2 - Submitting a new idea

If you have an idea that you'd like to see implemented in our app and you could not find it in the Ideabox as an existing issue, you can submit it

Step 3 - Idea evaluation

The META-INF Team receives your idea and evaluates it. The evaluation can have one of the below three outcomes:

If your idea already exists in the form of an Ideabox request, we connect them, send you a notification link and at the same time close your original request (this is done to avoid confusion and duplicates in our system). You can follow the request on the link and get notified in an email when it's released.

If you have a brand new idea that we think fits our product vision, we will create a new entry in the public Ideabox for it and send you the link in an email. You will be able to vote there while we close your original issue.

As much as we'd like to cater to as many requests as possible, we must set boundaries and abide by technical limitations. If we think that your idea does not fit our product vision (or that it's technologically not possible), the evaluation ends and you'll receive a notification about us closing your request.

Step 4 - Voting period

Ideas are publicly available and are open for voting to anyone who logs in. We are committed to implementing the top voted issue in every 2nd feature release.

Step 5 - Implementation & Delivery

Ideas with the most votes will be selected for implementation. When the development starts, every watcher will be notified in an email. When the request is released, a notification will also be sent to every subscriber.

Available Ideaboxes

Currently, the following Ideabox is publicly available:

Ideabox for other products coming soon.

Basic Ideabox Overview

Below is a quick overview of the Idea box layout

  1. Name of the application.

  2. Search bar: look up existing issues based on the description of the request. Type your search words and press enter. If you want to return to all requests, press the x button in the search bar and it will automatically refresh.

  3. Available main categories.

  4. Login/Sign Up button: viewing requests require no permissions as the Idabox is public. In order to be able to comment, vote on and submit new requests, however, you need to log in or sign up.

  5. Sort by: sort requests by votes and comments in ascending and descending orders. Default shows all requests by votes descending.

  6. Filtering options (platform, features)

  7. The number of votes and comments.

  8. Submit Idea: after signing up / logging in you can submit new ideas by clicking on this button.

Last updated