⏱️Schedule a Form

Schedule a Form

To Schedule a form, follow the steps described described here:

Manual execution

When Form input fields are filled, Schedule is the second option besides Run Pipeline.

A New schedule popup will prompt for the following details:

  • Name - give a name that describes the behaviour. This will be used in the schedule list

  • Use latest commit on branch - as you selected a specific commit it is important

  • that you decide whether the scheduler should use it or use the latest commit on the branch instead

  • Occurrence - you can set up the regularity of the schedule: Hourly, Daily, Weekly



Hourly Occurrence will run every hour, 24 times a day.


When Daily Occurrence is selected, you can select a

  • one-hour interval, when the schedule will be executed every day of the week


When Weekly Occurrence is selected, you can select a

  • one hour interval

  • Days of the week, when the execution will be executed every week

Note that the selected hour range is in your time zone, while the execution is calculated in UTC.

When a schedule is set, it will be automatically added to the schedule list and will be enabled (Active) by default.

When occurrence hits next time, your pipeline will be automatically executed, with your form data! 🎉

Scheduling a form will add a new entry in the Audit logs with the name: Create schedule.

Every scheduled execution with Forms will add a record to the Execution logs.

Manage Scheduled Forms

When a pipeline execution is scheduled, various actions can be performed on it.

Every operation related to managing a Scheduled Form is visible in the Audit logs.

Preview schedule

Clicking on the entry in the Schedule List results in a popup with the details of the schedule. This is useful when you want to check the scheduled pipeline details.

The following details are displayed:

  • Name - the name of the schedule

  • Occurrence - occurrence type with specific details and hour range

  • Selected Branch, Pipeline, Form (which might be deleted since, because it is version controlled)

  • Selected commit - combined if always the latest is selected

  • Variables entered - key-value pairs, where the key is the actual key from the Form

  • Created and Edited dates

This view respects hidden fields, so passwords won't be visible here.

Deactivate schedule

By turning the Active toggle off, the schedule will be deactivated.

By pressing the toggle again, the schedule will be activated again ☺️

Edit schedule

Before getting started with editing, it is important to understand the intention of the Edit feature, and the general behaviour of version control. When you schedule a form, it will be created as a standalone schedule with some extra variables and a set occurrence. The form itself might be deleted or drastically changed right after. So the edit feature won't include the form itself, only raw data which is stored after using a Form.

Due to this, we recommend that you consider editing a schedule for minor changes only, such as changes in variables or the schedule to avoid duplicate scheduling. For major changes, it might be a good idea to start over with scheduling a Form.

As every user can edit a schedule, this operation requires careful consideration in terms of bypassing Form constraints like a regular expression, the select fields's preset values or field types. Each stored variable can be edited separately.

Feel free to share your feedback about this feature by contacting us through our support channels.

To edit a schedule, press the pencil in the Actions menu:

This view respects hidden fields as well, so passwords are not visible, but editable here.

Delete schedule

Deletion should be the last operation you want to use. It is suggested to deactivate a schedule first, since it is reversible, while deletion is not.

To delete a schedule, press the trash icon in the Action menu:

Confirm deletion, and the scheduled pipeline will be gone forever 👋.

Last updated