Model configuration settings
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Last updated
This section offers information for Odoo users on how to set up model configurations for the Oregional REST API.
Model configurations allow to refine how a model should be made available to a remote application.
add an icon to the model that can be sent to the remote application to help users visually to identify quickly the type of Odoo record they see on a Confluence page
change the display name of the model, e.g.: for res.partner instead of "Contacts" you might want to display "Partners" in Confluence
limit the list of fields that can be displayed in Confluence (you might not want to allow certain sensitive fields to be able to be accessible from Confluence)
link a model configuration to any model scheme
The app is shipped with the Default partner configuration scheme to give you an idea about this feature.
The list of active model configurations is displayed by default.
Inactive model configurations can be opened using search filter and search for field Active with value is false.
Only users with Oregional Odoo App administrator permission can make settings for model configurations
Custom icon for the model in this configuration
Can be made available for external applications
The name of the model
Active button
Archive / Unarchive a model scheme
Linked Odoo model object
A records from ir.module.module model
Model Technical Name
The technical name of the linked Odoo model
It is a related field, so it is computed automatically
Model Display Name
Custom display name for the model in this configuration
Additional information about the model scheme
Fields for the selected model that are allowed to be used in Confluence.
There are three ways to limit the list of fields:
None: there is no limit, all fields are available for the model
Blacklist: all fields except for the listed fields are available for the model
Whitelist: only the listed fields are available for the model
Not all fields make sense or advised to be used in Confluence, but it is up to you, what you allow. Just give it some thoughts before allowing all fields.
You may link the configuration to model schemes by clicking on Add a line and unlink configurations by clicking on the x on the right end of the line.
On the audit tab admins can find information about:
creation timestamp
user who created the record
last modification timestamp
user who last modified the record