Glass 3.1.0
Glass Project Documentation & Information - 3.1.0 Release Notes
Released on 04 Aug 2022 , available from Atlassian Marketplace.
Released Features in 3.1.0
Compare project configurations
Manage Snapshots
Support for Security Scheme
Show Resolution in the Workflow
All the new features are released both for Glass Documentation and Glass Information.
🔛 Compare configurations
Added a completely new feature to be able to visually compare two Jira Project's Configuration. It is a 2-step comparison: on the High level you can overview and detect notable differences, but small details will be indicated only. For analyzing all the details, you can navigate to the Low level comparison, where the two configurations are visualized in a textual diff viewer.
🌈 Manage Snapshots
It is possible to store snapshots per project to be able to create milestones in project configuration. Snapshots can be managed by project admins only, while non-admins can use them for comparison! Any of them can be compared to each other or the current configuration, even between projects and instances.
For more details see the detailed feature documentation below!
🆕Comparison & Snapshots🔐 Support for Security Scheme
Added support for security scheme, as it was a popular demand in our Ideabox
It can be accessed in the Schemes section, and also visible in the export.
✅ Show Resolution in the Workflow
Added a visual indicator at post functions to the workflow overview, which help admins quickly overview if the Resolution is properly set/cleared in the workflow.
Removed "Current User" from PDF & Confluence Export
Fine tuned some elements to be able to participate in the Cloud Fortified program
Fixed a potential but unusable security risk - just to make sure
Last updated