Glass 3.2.0

Glass Project Documentation & Information - 3.2.0 Release Notes

Released on 03 Oct 2022, available from Atlassian Marketplace.

This release focused on delivering small features & QOL improvements

Released Features in 3.2.0

  • 🆕 Added support for Transition properties in Workflow transitions

  • 🆕Reorganized top menu

    • Schemes moved up to the main menu

    • Permissions and Notifications moved under Schemes

  • 🆕Added an intelligent Scheme overview with links

  • 🆕Grouping Permissions as Jira does


  • ⚒️Fixed - small visual bugs when grouping screen schemes

  • ⚒️Fixed - icon on the sidebar in case of special jira base url

  • ⚒️Fixed - an edge case with special Field configurations

  • ☝️Improved - Confluence export to private spaces is supported from now

  • ☝️Improved - Cloud performance

    • Especially notable with many people added to the project one by one

  • ☝️Imrpoved - logging in many ways (in case of trouble -> speeds up support)

  • Extended - Glass Information menu with Compare & Tutorial videos

  • Fine tuned UI on High Level comparison

  • Prepared for the upcoming permission changes in Jira Cloud

  • Introduced Data Residency support for Cloud

Last updated