Email This Issue provides two types of API components that makes it possible to integrate it with other addons or external services.
Send emails
The REST API is a RESTFul service method that will send emails.
Request Body Json
Request Body must be a well formatted Json object with the following structure.
Request Body Json
"cc":["", "o:lead", "o:watchers"],
"emailSubject":"This is the email's subject as if the user entered it",
"emailBody":"This is the email body",
"emailTemplate":"Acknowledge Issue",
Fields in the Json object are the following:
Important: Only the issue field is mandatory.
Request Statistics
The REST API is a RESTFul service method that will return the number of email items from the audit log.
Request Email Items from the Audit Log
The REST API is a RESTFul service method that will return email items from the audit log matching the query parameters.
Response structure
"issueId": 22900,
"subject": "(IT-349) Új request by customer \"Hello WORLD\"",
"body": <email body>,
"to": <to recipients>,
"cc":<cc recipients>,
"from": <sender email address>,
"format": <email format>,
"actorUserKey": <user key>,
"type": <type of email item>,
"source": <trigger of the email>,
"date": <date and time the email was sent or processed>
Queue Statistics
SINCE 9.0.0
Incoming Queue Statistics
Outgoing Queue Statistics
Mail Generation Queue
OSGi Component API
In case, your Jira add-on wants to use Jira Email This Issue's email capabilities, you can build an integration between your add-on and Email This Issue. In order to do that you have to import the OSGi component Email This Issue publishes and call its methods.
Email Parameters
public class EmailDefinitionApi {
private String issue;
private List<String> to; //user keys and email addresses
private List<String> cc; //user keys and email addresses
private List<String> bcc; //user keys and email addresses
private com.metainf.jira.plugin.emailissue.action.EmailOptions emailOptions;
private String emailBody; //email body (will be injected in the template)
private String emailSubject; //email subject (will be injected in the subject part of the template)
private List<String> attachments; //issue attachment IDs
private String addAttachments;
private String emailTemplate; //name or ID of the Email template to use
private Map<String, Object> payload; //arbitrary values that are injected into the Velocity Context in the template
public class EmailOptions {
private boolean addToWatchers; //add recipient users to watchers, default: false
private boolean replyToMe; //set the current user as the reply-to address, default: false
private boolean mailAsMe; //set the sender address to the current user's email address, default: false
private String emailFormat; //email format "text" or "html"
private String emailPriority; //HIGH, NORMAL, LOW
public class EmailLogQuery {
private Long issueId;
private String issueKey;
private String type; //EmailType
private String source;
private int top;
private Date from;
private Date to;