Adding a signature with a company logo to emails

Email This Issue email templates can render corporate signatures with company logos, text and name of the current user. Add a similar code fragment to your template and have a dynamic email signature with company logo:

<p>Best Regards, <br />
<img width="100px" data-attach="false" src="..."></p>
<p>META-INF - Passionate Atlassian Experts since 2007<br />
Tel.: +36 30 515 4464, Web:, Skype: tibor.hegyi
<ul style="color:blue;">
<li>We sell Atlassian licences globally - request a quote to try us</li>
<li>We never leave you alone - training, support and consultancy is at hand</li>
<li>We fulfill your needs - customized solutions seasoned with proficiency</li>
<li>We make your work highly efficient - through our popular free and commercial add-ons</li>

This results in the email signature as shown below:

Note: The <img width="100px" data-attach="false" src="..."> in the template is the base64 encoded company logo image. You can use online Base64 image encoders to generate base64 string from images.

Important: The attribute data-attach="false" in the image tag is necessary to prevent the image from being attached to the issue. This may be relevant if you send out many emails using the template, and do not want the same image being attached multiple times to the issue. SINCE 8.0.5

Last updated