
The Email button and the Email screen

Send emails:

  • Manually via the Email button in the issue view

  • Automatically as Event notifications or Workflow transitions

Specify a wide range of recipients such as:

  • Jira user

  • External email addresses

  • Issue collaborators

  • Project roles

  • User groups

  • Custom fields

Emails support inline images and the issue's attachments as email attachments. Use the embedded Rich Text Editor to compose emails and templates.

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Sending manual emails

Email notification schemes

Additionally to the Email button displayed in the issue view, email sending can be automated in different ways with the help of event notifications.

Besides being able to do everything that Jira Notification Schemes do, Email This Issue Event Notifications offer you lot more, such as:

  • A fully customizable email content

  • Issue attachments attached to email

  • JQL filter support to make notifications conditional

  • Various email options

Read more:

Email notification schemes and email notifications

Workflow post functions

Send emails upon status changes in your issues.

Add Email This Issue Workflow Post Functions to your transition to:

  • Send emails about important updates

  • Send emails only to those recipients who are interested in the changes

  • Attach issue attachments to the emails

  • Customize email layout and content

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Workflow post functions

Customizable email templates

  • Create HTML and Clear text templates with the embedded template editor.

  • Use issue fields or custom fields in the email body or even in the subject.

  • Embed complex structures like comments, issue linking information and email log in the outgoing emails with the Field Picker.

Read more:

Customizing email templates

Email audit log

  • Keep track of all incoming and outgoing emails related to the issues.

  • See a chronological list of emails under the Email tab in the issue view.

  • Admins can track all emails sent or received from the Configuration page.

Read more:

Email Audit Log

SMTP servers

  • Multiple SMTP servers support.

  • Set up and manage connections to any SMTP serves.

  • Use different SMTP servers in projects or issues defined by a JQL query.

Read more:

Outgoing Mail Connections

Recipient restrictions

  • Control who can send issues in emails from Jira via Jira Permission Schemes.

  • Disable the use of external email addresses or recipients without permissions to view the issue in Jira, if needed.

Read more:

Recipient Restrictions

Advanced email configuration

Save recipient email addresses or users to custom fields, and use these custom fields as recipients when an email is sent either manually or automatically.

Read more:

Advanced email configuration

Processing incoming emails

Email This Issue for Jira Cloud is not only about sending emails, but also processing incoming emails with powerful features like sending auto-reply emails, executing workflow transitions and initializing issue fields. All configurable with a flexible, intuitive action editor. Various email processing strategies that are not available in Jira Cloud are available in Email This Issue for Jira Cloud, such as:

  • Creating issues or subtasks

  • Commenting on issues or subtasks

  • Linking issues or subtasks


Acknowledge the receipt of emails with an auto-response email that is sent to the sender of the incoming email when the email is processed with Email This Issue Mail Handler in Jira Cloud. Use arbitrary email templates to generate auto-responses.

Executing workflow transitions via email

Execute workflow transitions on issues via email. Extract the name of the transition to execute from email content, or execute a transition labelled with a property.

This feature is particularly useful when you want to reopen closed issues, or implement an easy email-approval process.

Integration with Jira Service Management

It allows for:

  • Sending fully customizable emails to Customers and Request participants with the desired layout and content that can include all fields of an issue.

  • Creating Service Management requests from email with all the power of field initialization and workflow execution.

Integration with Jira Software

It allows for:

  • Sending emails based on Sprint events (Start or Complete), or when a version is Released.

  • Sending Sprint reports (Summary and Burndown Chart) in a .pdf attached to the email.

Initialize fields from email

Initialize issue fields with data extracted from the incoming email. For instance, you can:

  • Find related issues for emails with custom logic

  • Fire events

  • Save email addresses

  • Configure multiple regexes to split off old content.

Last updated