Outgoing Mail Connections

Unlike Jira, Email This Issue supports the use of multiple Outgoing Mail Connections. To access the list of Outgoing Mail Connections, go to the Administration configuration tab and choose Outgoing Mail Connections under the OUTGOING MAILS menu item.

Filtering the list

The Outgoing Mail Connection list can be filtered by clicking on the Search button. After clicking, a free text field will be opened, in which the search term can be entered. The filter searches in the Name, Description, Host, and Username fields.

Default Outgoing Mail Connection

One of the Outgoing Mail Connections can be marked as Default. Unless you define to use another Outgoing Mail Connection, the Default Outgoing Mail Connection is used for sending the emails.

You can define the Outgoing Mail Connections to use for different projects, type or issues by creating an Advanced Email Configuration with the proper scope.

Outgoing Mail Connections dialog

Email This Issue supports login and OAuth authentication mechanisms for Outgoing Mail Connections. You can select it by selecting the correct protocol:

  • SMTP: log in with username and password

  • Google OAuth2: OAuth for Gmail/Gsuite

  • Microsoft 365 SMTP (w/ OAuth2): OAuth for Microsoft account using smtp protocol

  • Microsoft 365 Graph API (w/ OAuth2): OAuth for Microsoft account using Graph API

The content of the dialog changes based on the authentication method you select.


Plain Outgoing Mail Connection with optional SSL/STARTTLS encryption. If your Outgoing Mail Connection requires encryption and authentication, you can fill in the following fields.

OAuth 2.0 settings

OAuth authentication is currently supported for both Google and Microsoft 365 accounts.

If you want to use OAuth 2.0 authentication, select this option with the appropriate protocol.

Microsoft OAuth 2.0 host settings

For OAuth2-based Microsoft365 SMTP connections, the hostname "smtp.office365.com" is used by default, when connecting to the mail server. However, in certain scenarios, the use of a custom hostname might be required. In such cases, there is a possibility to override the default value by enabling the respective "Override default host setting" toggle and selecting the desired host from the "Host" dropdown appearing below.

The dropdown contains a pre-defined set of hostnames, which are globally available. If you have even more specific needs, please contact our support team.

OAuth Settings for Google

  1. Select the Client Credentials you created on the credentials page.

  2. Enter the user name of the Outgoing Mail Connection you want to use.

  3. Click on the "Authorize with Google" button to grant access to Email This Issue to send emails from your account.

    1. Click Advanced.

Result: You can send emails in Email This Issue from Gsuite with OAuth Authentication.

If you want to revoke the access from Email This Issue to your Gmail account, you can do it by visiting Account Settings.

Gsuite warning

Please note that starting from 2020 June 15, Less Secure Apps will not be supported in GSuite:


Authentication should be done using OAuth2

Shared mailbox settings

A shared mailbox is a mailbox that multiple users can use to read and send e-mail messages. You can read more about them here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/collaboration/shared-mailboxes/shared-mailboxes

To use a shared mailbox you just have to enter the email address of the shared mailbox into the From Address field then proceed with the settings as if it was a normal mail account. For the username and password fields (or for the OAuth authorization) use the credentials of the account you want to log in with.

Testing Outgoing Mail Connection

While adding or editing an Outgoing Mail Connection, test if the connection details are correct.

Sending a test email

To check whether the Outgoing Mail Connection is capable of sending out emails to a certain email address, use the Send Test Email function. You can access the Send Test Email dialog by clicking the three dots next to an Outgoing Mail Connection.

Last updated