Integration of Glass Documentation

Email This Issue Integration in Glass

The integration provides a quick overview of the existing Email This Issue configuration for a selected project. There are many clickable elements in this overview, which will bring the viewer straight to the relevant settings, but it only works, if the actor has at least project administrator permission.

The badge with the number on the tabs indicates the number of existing settings in each category.

Business Solutions

This integration supports the following solutions for Email This Issue administrators:

  • Find out which Notifications will apply to a project and discover it's details

    • See the combination of Events - Recipients - Templates

    • compare to the built-in Notification Scheme of the project

  • Quickly find which Mail Handler creates issues in a project:

    • list all handlers

    • show complexity (amount of actions) for each handler

  • Quickly find every Email This Issue post functions and transition properties in a project

    • Navigate to Glass's superb transition analysis screen, or open the transition

  • Quickly decide, if Email This Issue is used in a project or not

    • Run through all the project-related settings in seconds

For detailed description, read available configuration elements in Glass Project Documentation for Jira's page:

Last updated