Scope evaluation

There are a few configuration items in Email This Issue that are configured with Projects, Issue Types or a JQL filter. They make up the scope.

The following settings have scope:

When Email This Issue searches for the best matching of the above entities, it evaluates their scope. The order of evaluation is specified is described examples in the following. In all screens where these entities are listed, the list order corresponds to the order of evaluation.


Selected Projects

Selected Issue Types

JQL Explanation



Project1, Project2

Story, Task

priority = Highest

Most important Story or Task issues from the selected projects.



sprint in openSprints()

Stories from the active sprints in Project1


project in (Project1, Project2) AND type in (Story, Bug, Task) AND text ~ "Security" OR project in (Project3, Project4) AND type = Epic

Stories, Bugs and Tasks related to "Security" in their title or description from Project1 and Project2, all Epics from Project3 and Project4


Story, Epic, Sub-task

All stories, epics or sub-tasks from all projects


All issues in Jira. It is perfectly valid to keep project, type and JQL empty. It will serve as a default configuration for issues not having a better matching scope.


Scoped entities are evaluated in the order they are listed. Those that are configured with projects or types are evaluated first, then those that have a JQL criteria, and finally the default ones.

Examples for Scope evaluation:


Matching Scopes from the above table

An Story issue that is in an active sprint in Project1 with priority Highest

Number 1

An Story issue that is in an active sprint in Project1 with priority normal

Number 2

An Story issue from Project3

Number 3

An Story issue from Project2 with the word "security" in its summary

Number 3

An Story issue from Project2 not related to "security"

Number 4

An Bug issue from Project3

Number 5

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